Saturday, April 20, 2013

Tone & Diction

While continuing to read The Kite Runner I have noticed that the diction in the book is just more or less basic and not very challenging. However, the fact that some words from a different language are used (Dari, the Persian language spoken in Afghanistan) makes it more interesting and educational. "The sky is seamless and blue, the snow so white my eyes burn. I shovel a handful of the fresh snow into my mouth, listen to the muffled stillness broken only by the cawing of crows." (48). The other language isn't ever used in sentences but a few random words pop up here and there. Going off of the quote the reader can analyze that the tone of the book is mainly calm, but since I know the book is powerful when it comes to war and battle, I am expecting a tone change to more of an uptight or negative aspect as I continue to read.

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