Saturday, April 20, 2013


I am on page 10 of The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseni and I would like to talk about the character named Ali. He comes off as a strong young man. He has a disease called polio that he was stricken with at birth that caused some deformations to his limbs and face. Although he had this disadvantage, nothing ever stoppped him. Kids were afraid of him and called him names, "They chased him on the street and moacked him when he hobbled by. Some had taken to calling him Babalu, or Boogeyman." (8). This opening description of this important character in the story shows how he is very round due to the fact that he doesn't seem to be ashamed about his disease and goes on living life as a normal human being. As a reader I would like to know as much as I can about him.

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