Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Literary Devices

Throughout the book there have been many literary devices used. There has been a large amount of symbolism, alliteration, repitition, similies, metaphors, and even irony. I have a few quotes from the book that while I was reading stuck out like a sore thumb, (similie) :) and right when I came scross them I knew it as a device used to make the novel nmore powerful so to speak. A similie I found that was quite interesting is, "I saw that oil had spilled under the jeep and stained the driveway like a big Rorschach inkblot." (262) This creates a type of imagery to the reader and especially made me see it in my own head. An example of repition comes into play with the quote, "For you, a thousand times over."(multiple pages) This was repeated so many times because it shows how loyal Hassan is to Amir throughout the entire novel. It is simply translated into "anything for you" and Hassan lived up to his words.

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